Monday, 19 December 2011

Old Balgowan - The Red Wedding

As our time at Old Balgowan draws to an end, the latest editition to be added to the "Old Balgowan Archive" is the wedding of Rowan and Pamela which is unlike any other wedding I've been to.  Not just with Old Balgowan... EVER.  Held on a Monday and the bride dressed in passionate red, this wedding had a very individual flair.

The dramatic red's scattered around the reception venue were set off by the crisp whites and silvers in the center pieces.

And the red's were in full bloom in the flowers flanking the bridal couple in the church.

But nothing was as dramatic as the brides dress... 

as it floated down the aisle...

and waiting for her at the end of the aisle was Rowan...

Old Balgowan is a fantastic venue that caters to every bridal couples needs, and more importantly, WANTS... If you're interested in Old Balgowan for your wedding, click here to download the booking form which includes all the details you'll need to know.

Alternatively you can give Judi a call on +27 33 234 4622 or else send her an email.

Chat soon
Denise & Rainer

1 comment:

Revoici said...

Stunning photos - love your blog