Monday, 7 November 2011

EOS Roadshow

On Saturday this girl and her guy were lucky enough to attend the Durban leg of the annual Canon EOS Roadshow.  There were fab talks by two guest speakers, Lee Slabber and Trevor Hardaker, but for me the most exciting part of the day was the "launch" if you will, of the brand new Canon EOS 1DX.

The camera model was announced in mid October but now it is available to purchase.  While I'll need to save my pennies for a long time before I can afford one of the beauties, I'm sure those who can afford them are already waiting in line.

I won't bore everyone with the finer details of the camera (believe me, there are so many fine details to this camera and those in the know, prepare to be blown away) but for those interested hop along to the Canon site where you can read up on the specs.

Happy reading
Denise & Rainer

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