With the sun beating down and the wind howling, blowing hair and sand everywhere, we knew we'd have a tough shoot on our hands. But perfect conditions can never be expected (in fact as a photographer you always prepare for the worst) and so we persevered.
Taking photo's of people who love to have fun, makes working not feel anything like work. Shane and Mel sum that up perfectly. An hour and a bit spent taking photo's under less than perfect conditions, flew by with Shane's numerous jokes.
Usually on shoots like this it takes the couple a little while to get into posing and "acting" in front of the camera. There's the awkwardness and shyness and usually the first few shots are a bit crooked. Na ah, not this time. Even more surprisingly, Shane was extremely comfortable making eyes at the camera.
This is one of the first photo's we took during the shoot... |
Eventually Mel got the giggles because of Shane directing her to "look this way, "stare out to sea", "let's both look at the ground". This fabulous art direction forced Shane to admit that he'd been watching
America's Next Top Model for inspiration. While he was joking (we hope he was joking although he did mention the name Nigel Barker...) we managed to get some very "model" like shots of the couple.
and fun people make for fun photo's...
and gentle moments make for loving photo's...
And kissy moments make for great ring shots...
Lots of love
Denise & Rainer
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